Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Here we are...in the library...again. Party Central!

Heather and my's work for tonight 

So, this is the third consecutive Tuesday night that Heather and I have spent in the library. At this point, it pretty much feels as if we literally live on campus. Pictured above is our usual work station. What's new in this picture is our finally finished, edited, and bindered packet. We just now finished assembling it all. This never would have come to fruition had we not had an amazing group.  Before this project, I pretty much disliked group work in general. There's always that one member (you know the one) who doesn't show up and hardly contributes to the work. For the first time pretty much ever, I was in a group where everyone did their fair share. There were even times when people vocalized that they didn't feel as if they were doing enough. 

This has definitely been one of the most positive group experiences I've had. I think the hardest part for me was the physical assembling of the packet. We all do things slightly differently and when it came to assimilating all of our ideas and lessons and whatnot, it was fairly challenging. But, since we're all so freaking awesome at working together, we pulled it off really well. I'm definitely anxious for teaching tomorrow. I'm confident in what we've prepared but I always get nervous before actually getting up in front of a class and teaching. That and if you haven't already noticed, I'm kind of a perfectionist when it comes to my school work :D I'm not really sure if a blog post was required for this week but as the rest of my group posted, I figured I would as well! I shall leave you all with a picture that obscurely references Portal 2's Co-op mode. Teamwork for the win!


  1. Nicole - great job last night! Loved the postsecret activity, and I thought the results were great - I enjoyed seeing what my classmates created. I liked that we had the choice between creating it on the computer or with paper and glue. Now that your group is finished presenting, what do you think was the most difficult aspect of carrying out your group's plan?

  2. Thanks, Anne! Hands down, the hardest part was handing the 'problematic students'. We definitely did not plan for that as we know you're all normally such good and attentive students :D We were fairly blindsided by that, but it's something we all will encounter once we are teaching our own classes so we must be prepared for anything really. Overall, I think our group did very well. I am excited to see what the other two groups have for us!
